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One of  the most effective ways we build relationships, cultivate fellowship and grow spiritually in the church is through a network of small groups. We call our primary small group context “LifeGroups.”

Built on the foundation of God’s Word and the gospel, LifeGroups provide an important avenue for building community, giving and receiving care, pursuing discipleship and reaching out to unbelievers. We are all joined as believers in the local church, but LifeGroups allow us to relate more deeply with a smaller group of people.

If you are new to the church or have been attending but haven’t gotten involved yet, feel free to check out these groups you can visit.

Join LifeGroup

If you are interested joining LifeGroup or need more information, just fill up the from below and submit, we will get back to you 🙂


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Join LifeGroup

If you are interested joining LifeGroup or need more information, just fill up the from below and submit, we will get back to you 🙂

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